The story from a little, dirty chihuahua who couldn't walk... to a New York Diva on the catwalk.
This story will make you go awww, oh my gosh and amazing!
It all started about 8 months ago when a little, very dirty chihuahua at the age of 1 year came into the hands of Jen Eisenhardt..
She was very much underweight (only weighing in at 17oz) and couldn't walk. She had never learned how to...
She was hand fed every 2-3 hours at her foster to make her stronger for the trip she was about to embark.
The amazing Summer Strand had heard about a tiny chihuahua in need through the NYC Chihuahua Meetup Group.
So she drove from New York City to Niagra Falls and back in 1 day to get her.
And this is where her life actually began.
Summer named her very fittingly Angel Song.
Summer couldn't pet Angel Song because the touch would hurt her, because she was so thin. But she quickly learned that Angel loved to have her muzzle and chin petted... And this is where the love, trust and friendship began!
Here is Angel Song after a week with Summer:
Angel Song now weighs in at 2.5lbs and has a shiny, thick coat...
She still can't walk on hard wood floors or slippery surfaces but has learned to walk on carpet, yoga mats...
After a month with Summer:
Angel Song even got to meet her 2 new sisters, with who she shares her fabulous New York life with.
Since then she has walked on several doggie catwalks, red carpets, been in parades and has brought out more awareness of shelter animals. So remember adopt, don't shop!!
The difference a little care and a lot of love can make in a life. And you have to be honest, who wouldn't love a face like hers?
Chihuahua is the second most abandoned dog in the United States after Pitbulls!!
And the same goes for euthanasie in high-kill shelters
So please, think twiece before you buy or adopt a pet, because they need love, attention and medical care when needed!!